Interested in becoming a Zipper Magazine contributor? 


Are you a BDSM educator, writer, online content creator, kink-knowledgeable care professional, or everyday kinkster who has something impactful to share about kink? We’d love to hear from you! 


What is Zipper Magazine?


Zipper Magazine is a multimedia digital publication about kink with a focus on education, culture, and community. A collaboration between BDSM & Certified Sex Educator, Sunny Megatron, and pioneering fetish platform Clips4Sale, we began publishing in June 2022.  


Our content is made by kinksters and it’s for . . . everyone! From BDSM lifestylers to


curious vanilla folks. There’s a lot of stigma about kink, BDSM, and fetish play; Many in the mainstream perpetuate damaging misconceptions about what we do and why we do it. These sensationalized takes aren’t exclusive to pop culture either, misinformation comes from within our own communities too. 


Our goal is to cut through these stereotypes and represent everyday kink in relatable, destigmatizing, entertaining, and educational ways. Zipper Magazine’s tagline sums it up: No stigma, no judgment, no fluff. Just real(istic) kink for real people.


One central theme runs through all of our content – when it comes to what makes us human, vanilla and kinky people aren’t that different. We all have the same fundamental emotional needs – belonging, safety, connection, love, trust, autonomy, acceptance, validation, affection, play, happiness, and pleasure. What separates us is the erotic route we take to satisfy these needs. Whether we prefer scenic drives down Slow & Sensual Lane or putting the pedal to the metal on Sadomasochism Highway, our destination is the same.       


We publish content that . . . 


  • Is presented in ways that resonate with experienced BDSM practitioners AND novices, kink-curious/vanilla-ish folks
  • Is educational & entertaining i.e. “edutaining.” 
  • Transcends gatekeeping & “One Twue Wayisms” 
  • Balances mainstream appeal/shareability with nuance & depth 
  • Provides high-value information and concise, accessible examples of how to customize BDSM & kink to fit personal desires
  • Is inclusive of diverse identities, experiences, and underrepresented voices; progressive; sex-positive; mental health-focused; intersectional; prioritizes safety
  • Upholds BDSM/kink/leather values – honesty, respect, commitment to personal growth, accountability, ethics, consent, clear communication, equity, and community service


What are we looking for?


While the majority of Zipper Magazine’s content is written, we also partner with kink-focused YouTube creators. Content produced for us must be unique and not previously published, even on your own blog. We generally feature the following formats:  

    • Classic how-to’s & guides with clear explanations, actionable steps/ideas, creative play inspiration, and relatable examples. Ideally, these pieces focus on overlooked relevant topics or put a new spin on common ones. Example: Beyond DD/lg: The Versatility of Daddy Play and Want to be a Better Dom? Learn to Seduce Your Sub
    • Educational, Short-Form/Resources – Short educational articles with accompanying resource/idea lists, negotiation/self-discovery exercises, etc. Ideally provides a unique perspective & a high degree of utility/shareability. Example: 94 Non-Binary BDSM Names for Doms & Subs and #KinkTok: 10 TikTokers Who Are Redefining BDSM Community – Zipper Magazine
    • Personal stories with an educational twist – True narratives of personal growth through kink, lessons learned, exploration of a new fetish, etc. that are emotionally appealing & provide “stealth education” Example: Why You Need BDSM’s “Prime Directive” 
    • Culture – Including but not limited to: 1. History that gives insight into current kink culture, exploration of specific facets of BDSM community/culture that serve as navigation tools, deep dives into the origins of long-standing traditions/protocols/trends, etc. 2. Interviews with relevant/recognizable people in kink or in adjacent/mainstream/vanilla communities. 3. Kink & BDSM event coverage. 4. Relevant discussions about TV shows/popular media/pop culture that focus on kink/BDSM. Examples: We’re ALL Obscene in Their Eyes: Leather, Pride & Respectability Politics and What Is Pegging? A Beginner’s & Kinkster’s Guide
    • Think pieces & socially relevant topics – A nuanced look at controversies within kink communities, societal forces impacting the subculture, community politics/discourse, etc. Example: How The Pandemic Made Us Kinkier  and Consensual Non-Consent: CNC Kink Isn’t What You Think
    • Interviews – With known figures in kink/BDSM or mainstream influencers & recognized names relevant to the world of kink; fetish artist/photographer/artisan spotlights (all visuals must be SFW/social media-friendly); local community spotlights profiling legendary dungeons, well-known events, notable community efforts, etc. 
    • We’re not looking for – Erotica, fiction, poetry, content that’s salacious or meant to titillate, NSFW imagery, or sex-positive content that isn’t kink-focused.


I’m ready to submit!


Although that is the perfect BDSM pun, we’re talking about our Contributor Pitch Form. Besides, shouldn’t we complete the vetting & negotiation process before jumping into a dynamic!? 😉 

If you want to tell us about a kink-related topic you’d like to see in Zipper Magazine or connect us to a writer/creator you’d love us to feature, we’ve got a form for that too.  

We look forward to hearing from you!

Sunny Megatron, 

Editor-in-Chief, Zipper Magazine

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