Everything you need to know about safewords

We tend to associate safewords with BDSM, but did you know they can be used in other contexts too? Sunny Megatron breaks down what safe words are, what they aren’t, how they can be used in kink for ill intent, and how to customize them to fit your sexual (and sometimes non-sexual) needs.

What Is Pegging? A Beginner’s & Kinkster’s Guide

Newly crowned #PrinceOfPegging, Prince William, recently thrust the subject of pegging into the mainstream. Rather than embracing an opportunity to destigmatize pleasure, the internet lit up with shame-driven hot takes making those who enjoy this sexual practice the butt of jokes. If you’re curious about pegging, creative ways to bring it into your kink play, and how the definition has evolved to be more inclusive – skip the tabloids, we’ve got you.

Want to be a Better Dominant? Learn to Seduce your Sub

Foreplay isn’t just for vanilla sex, it plays an important role in BDSM too. Kink seduction sets the stage for the intense physical and mental experiences to come. You can even start planting these seeds days before your scene. If you’re looking to level up your domming skills, these tips for seducing your sub will help.

Beyond DD/lg: The Versatility of Daddy Play

Daddy role-play isn’t just for kinksters. Daddies & Zaddies are hot bedroom archetypes among vanilla people too. Contrary to popular belief, age play (DD/lg), gender stereotypes, and BDSM aren’t required either. Daddy play is much more versatile than most realize and the reasons why we’re so into it are wide-reaching too.

BDSM Consent & Negotiation

Consent is the cornerstone of all BDSM, kink, and fetish play. This goes beyond simply saying “yes” or “no” to proposed activities.

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