The Art of Bondage

With Freshie juice

In a captivating discussion with Zipper Magazine, Femdom and Clips4Sale creator FreshieJuice explores the depths of bondage and advanced kinks. Celebrated for her expertise in bondage, blasphemy, and role-play, she delves into the dynamics of power, highlighting its significant role in enhancing self-reliance and confidence.

“There’s something really beautiful about the aesthetics of Power Dynamics and how it has this overflowing effect into all aspects of our lives where we’re both trying to exit the vacuum of loss of autonomy and reality and regain inner confidence of that autonomy through sometimes extreme experiences.”

Freshie underscores the importance of tailored interactions, consent, and negotiation in designing sessions that respect the distinct needs and limits of her clients. FreshieJuice also defends the artistic nature of her work, stressing the need for personal accountability in BDSM, the risks involved, and the cruciality of clear communication. Sharing insights from her experiences in power dynamics, she addresses the creation of empathetic connections, the challenge of originality amidst social media’s imitations, and corrects misconceptions linking kink extremity with violence. She concludes with her aspiration to motivate others in their exploration of kink.

@Freshiejuice ‘s Personal Take on BDSM #Bondage

BDSM encompasses a range of erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism (S/M), and other interpersonal dynamics, often depending on self-identification and shared experiences. Originating from a 1991 Usenet post, BDSM merges B/D (Bondage and Discipline), D/s (Dominance and submission), and S/M (Sadism and Masochism) into a broad category that includes various activities, relationships, and subcultures. It welcomes individuals with non-normative preferences, such as cross-dressers and fetishists.

A BDSM scene is a consensual power exchange session that may include bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadism, and masochism, among other elements. It requires at least one dominant and one submissive participant, with roles possibly changing throughout. Although sex is common, it’s not mandatory. BDSM scenes, likened to stories or plays, allow participants to express themselves creatively through heightened roles or role-playing, involving elements like humiliation, sensory play, and various props. Essential to these scenes are pre-planning and mutual consent to ensure safety, consent, and fulfillment of desires.

hi there I’m freshy juice femdom an  artist based in the Northeast zipper
magazine I am most well known for doing  bondage blasphemy extreme predicament and
roleplay situations um I’m very excited to  talk to zipper mag today about my work and
um various aspects of bondage and um some more  extreme Kinks probably what first attracted me
to bondage was I loved the way it both like  considered in accentuating and restricting a
person’s Anatomy both in allowing the top to have  control of the bottom and the bottom to surrender
control um personally the kind of bondage that  I love I love very very restrictive completely
mobilizing bondage I’m very flexible and I  have an extremely high pain tolerance when
it comes to bondage so I would like to really  push myself physically when it comes to that um
and as far as the bondage that I like to do as a  practitioner it really depends on the person that
I’m having an experience with but the truth is  is that every single body is different and every
experience that I have with people we negotiate  it and cater it to that person so that you know
we’re both having a really good time and if we  want to build something more extreme or intense
later we can build upon that there’s something  really beautiful about the Aesthetics of power
dynamics and how it has this overflowing effect  into all aspects of Our Lives where we’re both
trying to exit the vacuum of loss of autonomy in  reality and regain like inner confidence of that
autonomy through sometimes extreme experiences  I love seeing that person like sink into it and
sink into that moment and start hitting Subspace  they start really relaxing and like they really
just kind of um they almost tune out to you a  little bit and that is like a really beautiful
like experience to watch from the outside and like  not only watching it as the top knowing that I’m
the person eliciting it but having bottomed and  submitted myself I know how that feels so I can
like I have like almost this empathetic response  sometimes when I’m watching people submit to me
because I’m like H I know how that feels my  desire to do blasphemy content does come from
a place of respect and love for like religious art  and iconography um you know and I’m just using it
as a medium as a vehicle as a plot device if you  will to create create the art and the symbology
that I’m trying to create I do believe that the  videos that I make are art um I am very proud to
call them art I am not afraid to call them art  and I am not afraid to have anybody combat me
on that status um you know I put a lot of my self  into my work obviously because I’m directing it
and performing it often personal responsibility  is a characteristic that I look for in anyone
that I would that I would B for anyone that I’m  going to top for because like I understand what
I’m going to do to someone and I’m willing to  take a certain amount of risk to do that um
and somebody who’s a really really experienced  player as a bottom is going to be like okay this
is the amount of personal risk I’m willing to take  you know because some of these things that we do
are actually dangerous there are actual real  like physical consequences for some of these
things and not every person who has a fantasy  it actually aligns with the reality of what
they actually want to happen to their bodies and  like sometimes people their eyes are bigger than
their stomachs you know um and I think it’s just  like really taking the time to sus both parties
out because I don’t want a submissive who has no  limits and No Boundaries because that’s a recipe
for a bad time and you shouldn’t want to work with  or submit to a top that doesn’t want you to have
any limits or any boundaries like you know there  has to be an environment for yes and no to evolve
I find that most tops who are having trouble  sort of being mean or degrading or humiliating
they’re often afraid of sounding silly or like  not sounding tough on camera fumbling on their
words or tripping over their words um you know  and like they’re I I’m at this point very very
good at ad liing and I’m very very good at just  talking um you know and like uh it just comes
with practice ask them yeah does that make you  feel like a little this or that does this make
you feel submissive oh you feel so helpless to me  you are so helpless to me you are so vulnerable to
me like telling them what they are repeating  the word me you’re doing this for me you’re
submitting for me you’re taking it for me you’re  doing it for me repeating it over and over putting
a person into that submissive State and reminding  them that they’re doing this act of surrender and
submission to you is a great way to kind of take  baby steps to get to that mean guy place to play
the bad guy the best thing that I would tell  someone if they’re trying to find their Niche
what’s going to make them unique and stand out is  to absolutely not get your ideas from social media
I I see so many ideas regurgitated and I think  that’s like a very good way to make yourself
not stand out one of the biggest things that I  would tell someone who who wants to bottom and
submit to people don’t ever tell a top that they  can do anything that they want to you that they
can be as rough as they want to you because like  my idea of rough and your idea of rough could be
too completely different things you need to have  a very clear idea of what you absolutely will not
do um you know because like I A lot of times as  I mentioned a lot of times adult performers are
not um always experienced in BDSM so I do try  to set a reasonable expectation I’m like I’m
going to give you a BDSM experience but as far  as like being pushed to your limits and really
testing yourself we might not do that the first  time because I want you to understand what being
bound feels like what not being able to control  the situation feels like because it is different
when you don’t have as much control over what’s  happening Trends always cycle right and there are
certain things that are always going to remain  in Vogue anal sex is a reoccurring thing that is
always a big theme but within the last like year I  would say I’ve seen a lot more performers engaging
in it um you know POV is something that a lot of  people like that’s not particularly my brand and
those types of videos don’t sell very well for  me so it’s just not something that I focus on
but see a lot of people are very very into jerk  off instruction Joi medical fetish fisting things
that are more extreme penetration are things that  like I’m really focused on at this point in my
content and I’ve noticed that there is a greater  interest in that there’s a greater interest in
BDSM and I’ve noticed a lot more people doing  blasphemy roleplay if there was one myth about
Kink and BDSM that I could and is that I think  with more extreme stuff that it has to be violent
that it has to be aggressive to be the most  extreme or it has to be very disrespectful to
the bottom and I just don’t find that to be true  or accurate of my sales and based on the kind of
content that I like um I think that something  extreme and intense can exist hand inand with
kindness and respect well I hope that you guys  had as much fun talking to me as I did talking
to to you um I hope that I have been able to um  encourage and inspire you on your Kink and BSM
Journey whether you are the top or the bottom  and I hope you will continue tuning and gooning
to my work real Kink for real people brought  to you by Sunny Megatron and clips for sale

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